Tick Extermination

If you know you have a tick infestation in your home, you need professional tick pest control to get rid of ticks completely.

A tick infestation might also indicate another problem around your home, and if you can get rid of ticks you'll finally be able to sleep at night...
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Tick Infestation Grayson, GA 30022

A lot of people have trouble with a tick infestation in Grayson. A tick will latch on to your dog and like a flea it will feed constantly, laying eggs as it moves around. The offspring hatch and begin feeding right away. Ticks, despite popular belief, are not killed by the cold weather during winter and their numbers peak in the spring and fall.

Ticks are large enough see and can be removed by hand. Giving your dog a thorough inspection will consist of feeling your dog’s skin for bumps. Sometimes ticks are easier to feel by going against the dog’s fur.

tick infestation
Call Pest Control For A Tick Infestation

After finding a tick make sure to remove it entirely by gripping it at the point of attachment on the dog. Never try to remove a tick by pulling its body. A tick’s head it easily detached and if the head is not removed the head will remain embedded in your dog’s skin and could cause infection.

You Need Professional Tick Pest Control

Ticks go through four different stages during their life cycle. These various stages make it very difficult for someone without experience to completely kill ticks. Instead, without a trained tick pest control expert, they’ll keep coming back every year.

These stages include:

  • Egg
    • Larva
    • Nymph
    • Adult

It only takes a tick two months to complete all four of these stages. When you have a tick infestation in Georgia, this can be a big problem.

During the larvae, nymph and adult stages, ticks feed on the blood of its host. In order to find a host, the tick uses heat sensors. When a warm object moves past the tick, it attaches to the object by clinging to its fur or clothing. Or, the tick may fall from trees onto the host object.

After choosing its host, the tick moves to an area on its body that does not have a great deal of hair. This way, the hair does not get in the way of the feeding process. This is why you will most commonly find ticks on the eyes and lips of your pet.

After the tick finishes feeding, it falls from its host. Ticks do not lay eggs on their host but rather in a woodland environment. Female ticks can lay up to 22,000 eggs in a single egg-laying event.

A Tick Infestation Causes Disease

When a tick feeds, it inserts its pincher-like mouth parts into the animal’s skin. These mouth parts are able to lock into place and only come loose when the tick is done feeding. This is why ticks can be so difficult to remove once they have attached to your pet.

Unfortunately, a tick infestation is excellent for transmitting of a variety of diseases. Those ticks that are in the Ixodidae family are responsible for the majority of disease transfer, with the American dog tick and the brown dog tick being the most common. The diseases transmitted by these ticks include Lyme disease, ehrlichia and cytauxzoon.

Although the majority of tick bites do not involve the transmission of disease, it is still important to check your pet on a regular basis and to remove any ticks that you may find. The sooner you remove the tick, the less likely it will transmit disease to your pet.

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(844) 597-0370

The tick’s life cycle is different than insects. The female tick will engorge on blood from her host. She will then mate with a male tick and then detach, dropping off her host to fall to the ground and seek a place to lay her eggs. The female can deposit 1,000 to 18,000 eggs, depending on the species of the tick. She will die shortly after laying her eggs, but she grew the tick infestation further.

The eggs will hatch anywhere between 2 months to 2 years depending on the species and climate conditions. The eggs hatch as larvae and will seek a host to get a blood meal. Intermediate hosts include rodents, birds, deer and other wildlife. Larvae ticks are very small and are often overlooked while they are on the host. Once they have engorged on their blood meal, they will drop off the host where they will molt and become a nymph. Again the nymph seeks out a blood meal, feed and then drop to the ground where they once more will molt and become an adult tick.

Diseases transmitted through tick infestation:

  • Anemia
  • Skin irritation and itching
  • Tick Paralysis
  • Francella tularensis (tularemia)
  • Hepatozoon americanum (American canine hepatozoonosis)
  • Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever)
  • Lyme disease

Get Rid Of Tick Infestations In Grayson

Most ticks infest dogs with an ambush technique called questing. When the ticks hatch, they climb up on to the tips of weeds, grasses and other vegetation. The ticks have a special sensory apparatus known as Haller’s organ that is located on their forelegs. With their forelegs extended, they can sense animals approaching. When the host brushes up against the vegetation, the ticks release in mass and crawl onto their new host to feed. Hundreds of ticks can release onto your pet at one time. The ticks also have seasonal cycles depending on the climate and geographic region.

In cases where there are just a few ticks, can be done with tweezers. Grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and then with slow, gentle pressure, remove the tick from the skin. You should not crush the tick with your bare fingers because disease transmission to humans can be possible. Sometime, the tick can cause a mild infection at the site, especially if removed improperly and the head remained attached to the skin. In the event there are hundreds of ticks attached, you may want to take your dog to the veterinarian where special dips can be applied to facilitate removal.

If you live in an area that tick infestation is prevalent, then year round tick control is advised. If you are going camping with your dog then there are products that you can use prior to camping that will repel, kill or prevent infestation or quick release, depending on the product you use. The Preventic collar I find is quite effective in these cases.

If you have a problem with tick control in Grayson, you can try treating the yard with products such as carbaryl, cyfluthrin, permethrin, or s-fenvalerate. Allow the acaracides to dry completely before pets or people are allowed back into the premises. Be sure to spray up the walls and trees because the ticks like to climb. Plant deer repellent plants to try to keep deer from entering your back yard and dropping ticks.

Nevertheless, it is critical for pet owners to approach flea prevention with the three-prong attack. That means you cannot take care of or apply prevention to your pet and believe you’re going to win the flea battle. Pet owners must put forward a reliable effort by treating their pet, yard and home.

Control Tick Infestation In 30022

Tick infestation is the existence and attachment of a tick, a blood sucking parasite. Direct contact with ticks regularly results in tick infestation. As well, ingestion of ticks can happen when the dog grooms. Tick infestations are more widespread in dogs than cats. There is no age or breed fondness, although individuals who spend more time outdoors and who are in direct contact with ticks are more often affected, such as hunting breeds.

Ticks may emerge as a small dark speck on your pet’s fur, or in an attached, puffy state, may appear as small growths or raisins. Ticks are essential agents of disease transmission, and tick infestation makes this easier. A tick infestation should be removed as soon as possible to reduce the amount of pathogens transmitted.

Tick collars or products applied topically may act to prevent connection of new ticks and to promote detachment of ticks already attached. Ticks may be killed by spraying, dipping, bathing, or powdering affected individuals with appropriate tick-killing products ticks belong to the arachnid family, which also includes spiders. Ticks may not be as widespread as fleas in a lot of areas, but they can bring serious problems in the form of diseases that can be transmitted to people as well as pets.

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